Archive for the ‘Poem’s from the Heart’ Category
Father in Heaven
Father who art in heaven
Please here this tiny plea
To count me in Your book of life
Despite my pride and vanity
Hallowed be Thy Name, Lord
Your will be done not mine
Remind me of this humble truth
Time after time after time
Give us this day – You give so much
Yet so much more I doubt
Content in all these blessings
I forget what You’re about
Forgive me more than I can count
Myself to do the same
For I’ve broken Your heart
And played a part
In mankind’s greatest shame
Oh guide me when I’m tempted
My body always strays
In every part that makes me
In need of Your help always
Save my soul from death dear Lord
I’m open with confession
I’ll risk it all to make so sure
My self is Your possession
And all the glory goes to You
The help to which I must lean
For who else would take this sorry load
And wash this prisoner clean?