Archive for the ‘Poem’s from the Heart’ Category


Failing, trying all alone

It’s just the same old story

But serving Jesus works for all

Because it’s for His glory


How can I fail? What ship won’t sail

Who can fight without a sword?

Anyone who lives not for himself

But for the Lord


So ill – obsessed I used to be

Though not obsessed with Jesus

For His obsession is for you

And so much there to please us


Who on earth or earth itself

Could find a grateful song?

But love He gives, to love He lives

What on earth could go wrong

Sarah Mursell


Reaching outward searching upward

Upside down and round a bout

Watching others friends and lovers

Nothing satisfies the doubt


Mind confused as all mad hatters

Is it pointless – is it not?

Is there a place where something matters

Hidden somewhere I forgot?


Better just check over this

Before I turn down and give in

For something filled my soul with bliss

The answer is here in me within


Here’s the spot man rarely seeks

Side tracked under smoke and sound

This the base to which God speaks

What an awesome place I’ve found



Sarah Mursell