Archive for the ‘Poem’s from the Heart’ Category

To Thee from Me

I need Thee at all time
e’en when i think i’m fine.
Without Thee in my vision,
i forget the praise is Thine.

‘Tis Thee whome i run back to
when i lose my way to sin,
for only Thee oh Lord can sooth
when other’s love gets thin.

Thou makest my poor heart o’erflow-
i have not words to tell
this fullness of a grateful soul
and peace that all is well.

There’s nowt i need but Thee, my Lord,
the rest doth not seem real,
all else is naught – i cry to Thee
-Your very name can heal.

I love Thee, cos Thou loved me first
for all has come from Thee,
You are Truth-and praise Your name
for blessed in life is me! 

Sarah Mursell