Archive for the ‘Holy Spirit’ Category
The Holy Spirit
A brief look at knowledge and wisdom
We previously looked at some definitions of wisdom, some definitions of knowledge are as follows:-
1) Awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a, person, fact or thing.
2) A theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
3) The sum of what is known.
4) Familiarity, awareness, grasp, understanding, consciousness,
acquaintanceship, experience, appreciation.
Both of these gifts are recorded in 1 Corinthians chapter 12: v8, wisdom first and knowledge second.
When we look at the definitions are wisdom and knowledge really gifts from God. Doesn’t man possess wisdom and knowledge anyway? It can be argued that man has gained wisdom and knowledge over the centuries. The entire human race has acquired vast experience and knowledge on many subjects and the power to practically apply this understanding. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. He created Adam with a brain, the Bible says that Adam named all the animals, Genesis chapter 2: v19-20. You would need to have some wisdom and knowledge in order to think up the multitude of different names. So, it is safe to assume that knowledge and wisdom were part of man’s make up when originally created by God.
Then came the fall. Genesis chapter 2: v8-17, reveals that Adam was not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis chapter 3: v1-11, records the fall. Man had now gained knowledge God did not wish him to possess that of good and evil. Before this time nothing was good or evil, in a sense it was all neutral. Because of this increased knowledge man lost his right to live forever.
A separation also occurred between God and humanity; no longer did God walk in the garden with Adam and Eve because they were banished. The ability to do wrong had now entered into humanity’s make up. People still had wisdom and knowledge but the ability to misuse that power was now also theirs. It is this ability which is not a God given gift. Ever since the fall mankind’s knowledge has vastly increased. The tower of Babel, Genesis chapter 11: v1-9, gives an insight into how much people’s wisdom and knowledge could take them. It can realistically be said that the human race has acquired and stored vast amounts of knowledge throughout history. The trouble with that knowledge is that it is predominantly misused. It is often used to dominate people, weapons, wealth, food control etc. Who ever can apply humanity’s wisdom and knowledge for egotistical motives rather than for the good of all mankind will be all powerful. The greater civilisation’s wisdom and knowledge has become the more they have turned from God. God’s gift of wisdom and knowledge is to counter this deficiency in the human race. It is to inspire righteousness.
Righteousness is basically a right relationship between God and man, Jeremiah chapter 9: v23-24, and mankind to mankind Jeremiah chapter 22: v3. So, wisdom in God’s eyes is knowledge of Him and who He is. A few other scriptures are worth reading:-
Proverbs chapter 11:v 8-9; through knowledge (of God) the righteous escape.
1 Corinthians chapter 1: v17-25, Wisdom of man is foolishness to God.
1 Corinthians chapter 2: v6-14, Spiritual wisdom.
Ephesians chapter 1: v17-19, Spiritual gift.
God’s knowledge and wisdom can be lost by people turning their backs on it. In order for it to be of any blessing it must be retained not rejected, Romans chapter 1: v28-32.
Are we to retain this wisdom for ourselves? No, Ephesians chapter 3: v7-13, states that the manifold wisdom of God is to be made known. So, that none may perish and all can attain eternal life through Christ Jesus.