Meet The Pastor
My name is Mike Hallows minister of Claremont Christian Church (CCC), I have been here for almost twenty years. CCC is part of the Fellowship of the Churches of Christ, a well known and respected worldwide group.
I graduated from Springdale Christian College Birmingham in 1990. Immediately afterwards I was offered the opportunity to do a BA in Biblical Ministry at Kentucky Christian College USA. So I did and It was a real eye opener to see so many big Churches situated all over the USA. On our return to the UK we were encouraged to begin a new Church plant but this was not for me.
I always had a strong calling to the older established Churches of which there were quite a few back then. So when an opening came here in Bournemouth we took it.
When we first arrived at CCC there had been no conversions or baptisms for as long as people could remember. We were blessed very quickly in this area with two people who came to a member’s house group that Rose Dyke had started not long before we arrived. Rose did this without any support from the previous leadership. These two baptisms were followed by more and more, unfortunately almost as many funerals followed as some of the elderly members began to to die off!
The first eight years here were very hard going as we had to battle many long established traditions that were hindering the Church’s witness, but the message was still being given and fruit was plain to see. God’s will has a way of overcoming anything!
We now baptise about 5 people a year. This is a blessing but the Lord has laid on us a real burden for all those who are close to our church building yet know nothing about His glorious salvation! To do nothing except church services and a Bible class a week would be the easiest thing in the world, but that’s not an option for us. We believe in a Church made up of people who know what they believe, why they believe it and are not afraid to witness for their Lord.
We also passionately believe in helping the poor and so we support Samaritans Purse as much as we can. We also have one off events to raise money for disasters like the tragedy in Haiti.
Brief history of the Churches Of Christ.
The British Churches of Christ are a product of different people that developed similar viewpoints at the same time. Beginning with people like John Glas (1695-1773) a Presbyterian minister, and his son-in-law Robert Sanderman who both believed in a restoration of New Testament ways and beliefs. Amongst other things this meant the practise of weekly communion, believers, not infant baptism, the unity of the Church, and for this essay an important point, they upheld intellect over emotions. They influenced Archibald McLean, and Robert Carmichael, who formed the Scottish Baptist Church. From this group sprang the British Churches of Christ. This was influenced by Thomas Campbell and his son Alexander. These two men were educated in Glasgow University for the Presbyterian ministry and also contended for a return to New Testament beliefs and the unity of the Church. In 1807 Thomas Campbell emigrated to America as a Presbyterian minister but soon came to be held in suspicion due to his work in trying to break down denominational walls by fellowshipping with other denominations. This lead to a bitter struggle with the Presbyterian Church and resulted in him having to leave. In 1809 Alexander joined his father and both went on to be very instrumental in the formation of both the American and British Churches of Christ.
So CCC is part of this restoration movement and today believes strongly in New Testament principles. We are open to the works of the Spirit but within New Testament guidelines. Our worship style is developing all the time with no limits on what instruments we use or style of worship, but again the New Testament is our guide. We promote a laid back and fun approach to the service with of course more reverent times around the Lord’s Table.
All in all we are a Bible believing Church that believes we all have a responsibility to know why we are here, what gifting we have been given and then to get on with the God given task. We believe the ministry every member has been given to be an honour beyond belief. Just think of it, our great God has given us the task of giving His message to a lost world!
God Bless
Mike Hallows